Annual Birthday Horoscope (Varshphal)

Dear XYZ

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Your astrological profile & Birth chart

  • Name: XYZ
  • Gender: xyz
  • Date of Birth: xyz
  • Time of Birth: xyz
  • Place of Birth: xyz
  • Moon sign: xyz
  • Vedic Sun Sign: xyz
  • Western Sun sign: xyz
  • Nakshatra (Constellation): xyz
  • Lagna (Ascendant): xyz


Vedic Astrology prescribes predictions based on Moon Sign for more accuracy. Do not know your Moon Sign? Find out instantly for FREE by filling the form below!


Results for the year in a nutshell from your birthdate


On the positive side your fame and reputation will rise. If you are in service, there could be good advancement in this particular year (year means from your birth date in this year to your birth date in the next year) If you had been in defense service in the past, there will be some special honour done in recognition of some past action.



There is some possibility of accident in which regard it is advisable to exercise some extra care and caution while driving. Travels may not bring forth desired  results and it is even better to avoid long distance travels in the next one year till 23rd Jan 2023.


Result For Muntha Position

This birth year, Muntha will be in your tenth house. This placement is quite auspicious for you as it suggests growth, both professional and personal and provides fame and monetary gains. Muntha gives good results in the tenth house as it is equated with accomplishment of good deeds, gain in honour and dignity, and respect and position in the society. It also indicates a rise in status, promotion in job, increase in income and wealth, and also favours from the government. There are chances that this birth year, you will be promoted and honored by the government.

For the next 12 months, you will be brimming with energy and you will do everything in your power to reach in a position of authority, power, responsibility or any professional achievement. You will be driven and focused in attaining your higher goals. You will be surrounded by learned and influential people and you will cultivate a friendship with those in high position and achieve gains and honour through them.

You will be very confident and self-assured to handle any kind of adversities that might come your way. You will focus all your competitive energy and practical reasoning for the expansion of your career or business and you will be able to fulfill all your desires. Your enemies will not be able to do any harm to you. You will be fearless and ready to take on any battle or strife to ensure the betterment of your career to gain professional success. Your hard work will reflect in your success. Your relationship with your business professionals and superiors would be very cordial leading to the rise in your income levels. You will be able to overcome competition and overpower your opponents, during the entire course of your birth year.

Muntha in your tenth house is indicative not only of assets and other material things but it is also responsible for your reputation and honour in the social sector. This is also the house of politics, social reform and responsibilities and instills in you the sense of doing things the right way. This house also relates how you connect in public relations and the effect you have on people through your acts, professionally and personally.


Result for Varsheshwar

The varsheshwar is Saturn. You will get acquainted with powerful and influential people. You will become aggressive and practical. You will acquire wealth from foreign sources or from distant places. You may enhance your status by even seeking help from others. During the year you may invest in land, building and other fixed assets which will give you good returns later.

In your chart Varsheshwar is placed in the 5th House. You will be fortunate (but less active as compared with other earlier periods). The period is particularly favourable for intellectual pursuits. You may acquire interest in speculations or speculative activities. However, these are to be avoided for your own investment although you can use your knowledge for training others and in the process earn some remuneration.


Result for Position of Varsha Ascendant

Your varsha ascendant is in the ninth house from the janm ascendant. This is a highly fortunate position. Your career will be stabilized and even improved further. You will have prosperity in every field ; new avenues will open up to give you boosted earnings. You may have pilgrimmage and / or journeys to distant places for pleasure and profit.


Result For Mudda Vimshottari Dasha (period-wise results)

You are under the influence of Mars From 09/02/2022 To 02/03/2022 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house No 4

You are likely to be emotionally disturbed and that may give rise to quarrels in the family and disputes with associates. You should try to avoid direct confrontations and adopt a more compromising attitude. You should become more submissive and appease your superiors. Property-matters will require careful handling and in this respect you should take a firm stand. Your mother's health may cause some concern. As you will be prone to sustain injuries during the period, you should be more cautious while driving. The period is not propitious for any new venture or for speculative investments; so you should stay away from these.


You are under the influence of Rahu From 02/03/2022 To 26/04/2022 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house No 9

You may have some legal difficulties and you may incur losses.  It is better to go for compromise. While on the good side you will enjoy a blissful family-life and will come out victorious in respect of conflicts. In your professional sphere, you may have career betterment and increase of earnings. You may also develop an interest in the study of mystical and occult subjects.


You are under the influence of Jupiter From 26/04/2022 To 14/06/2022 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in house No 6

You will have to be very careful and cautious. Your state of health may deteriorate and you may find yourself in adverse circumstances. You may run into disputes with your close associates and chance of having a Law-suit will keep you anxious. Your relationship with your relatives may come under stress and your family-members may turn quite argumentative.


You are under the influence of Saturn From 14/06/2022 To 11/08/2022 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in house No 5

You should stay away from any sort of speculation and investments. Regarding your food-habits also you should be more careful otherwise you may have stomach-aches and upsets. You progress in academic persuits might be hindered and you may have a tough time in career as deterioration of relationships with your superiors may block your progress. You might become anxious and worried as your spouse may become argumentative and your children may not be in good health. On the good side, you may join in some technology/ engineering course and may have a job or position-change.


You are under the influence of Mercury From 11/08/2022 To 02/10/2022 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in house No 5

This is a very fortunate position. You will have success in academic persuits and some of cherished desires will be fulfilled. You will have good prosperity in professional sphere and will lead a peaceful and happy family- life. You will form new friendships and will become increasingly popular. You may remain obsessed with speculations which will be greatly disliked by your near and dear ones. For your romantic inclinations you might earn the displeasure of some females who may try to create problems for you.


You are under the influence of Ketu From 02/10/2022 To 23/10/2022 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house No 3

You will enjoy a blissful family-life and will come out victorious in respect of conflicts. In your professional sphere, you may have career betterment and increase of earnings. You may also develop an interest in the study of mystical and occult subjects.


You are under the influence of Venus From 23/10/2022 To 23/12/2022 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in house No 4

This is a highly fortunate position. You will have a pleasant time to enjoy the luxury and comforts of life. You may have some costly acquisitions which will increase your satisfaction and raise your social status. All your efforts during the period will bear fruit and contribute to your progress. You will receive favours from your superiors and secure betterment in career. Your family-life will be joyous and comfortable with all it's members becoming very loving and caring. There could be a happy celebration in the family. You may spend money for renovating the interiors of your house by decorations and procuring attractive furnitures while the exteriors may have a face-lift too.


You are under the influence of Sun From 23/12/2022 To 10/01/2023 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No 5

The health of your children may cause you concern and you may tend to overspend. You should avoid speculations of all sorts. You may have some travelling in connection

with your profession. You will receive some favours and benefits from your superiors and authoritative person. You may gain some recognition of your talents and may be favoured with a promotion which will increase your satisfaction.


You are under the influence of Moon From 10/01/2023 To 09/02/2023 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house No 9

This is a very fortunate position. You will be religious-minded and will perform some pious deeds for which your social popularity will increase. Your family-life will be blissful and you will be mentally at peace. You will be helpful to others and people will treat you with much respect for this. Your self-confidence will increase and you will receive full co-operation and support from all quarters. All your ventures will become productive and you may be successful to start a new venture. You will become increasingly wealthy and some of your cherished desires will be fulfilled


  • If you are still in profession/career and not retired,  there will be all-round prosperity and success during the year. Your cherished desires and aspirations will be fulfilled, there will be celebrations for your accomplishments.
  • There is possibility of some overseas assignment for you or travel abroad, although it may not give you a full fledged results. You might become richer through gains from foreign lands.
  • There will be clear career-betterment, acquisition of property and articles of comfort. You will receive favours from the higher authorities, your fame and reputation will increase. Your cherished desires will be fulfilled and you will lead a very contented life. This period will be generally lucky for you and your efforts will be amply rewarded.
  • Your enemies will be subdued and you will have success in all your endeavors. Your fame and reputation will increase. You will receive honor if you are in defense or police service. You will be highly fortunate and may have religious inclinations. There is some possibility of some form of higher education or training.


  • This position will give you all-round good relationship prosperity except for specific periods as mentioned in the period-wise results.
  • You will enjoy mental peace and tranquility. You will receive honors and your popularity will increase.


  • This is a good position for finance as well. You might become richer through gains from foreign lands.


  • The family health will require lot of attention and specific periods when the health of family people will be under pressure is mentioned in the period-wise results. if you don’t hold health insurance for family it will be advisable to take one.
  • Your health is showing normal except for specific periods which are covered in the period-wise results. 


  • The transit of Saturn and Jupiter is taking place in upa chaya rasi from Apr 2022. These do not require any remedy as they are likely to do good on their own. If you feel any delay on career/profession/business related matters, you can download and play Hanuman Chalisa as Mp3 or mp4 file daily.


  • Sahams are special points signifying important events in life. There are numerous sahams but all are not relevant during the year. The relevant sahams are picked up and date for the signification is indicated in the last para of this report. 
  • In your Varshaphala chart for this year, Samartha Saham falls close to 10:04:2022 and 12:12:2022. Samartha Saham indicates special ability that can assist you in achieving super results. You may have some favorable happening corresponding to this particular Saham which indicates acquiring some special ability near these two dates.
  • In your Varshaphala chart for this year, Karma Saham falls very close to the two dates 10:04:2022 and 12:12:2022.  Karma saham indicates some super action on your part. You may have some favorable happening or you may get into a very high action mode near these two dates.
  • Dhana Saham falls very close to the two dates 09:02:2023 and 10:02:2022; you may have some favorable financial dealings happening sometime around either- or both- of these two dates.
  • Kali Saham falls close to 12:08:2022 and 10:08:2022. It is also near 7:11:2022 and 14:05:2022 (Kali means strife.  Therefore, you may have some unfavorable happenings around these dates when you are likely to be under pressure.

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VARSHPHAL - Your Birthday Horoscope

Your birthday is a very significant annual event when the Sun returns to the same point, exact to the degrees and minutes, exactly where it was at the time of your birth. Birthdays are the right time to make new resolutions and goals; and to help you plan the year. more

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